Tuesday, August 24, 2010

May 1982

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MAY 01 1982

12:30 PM Channel 4
1973 ABC TV Movie of the Week directed by John Badham.
The first 10 minutes.

12:30 PM Channel 5
I think one of Jekyll's faces looks like Harry Connick Jr. and the other looks like Zach Galifianakis. What do you think?

12:30 PM Channel 12
Watch the entire film.

MAY 08 1982

12:30 PM Channel 5
With Rondo Hatton

12:30 PM Channel 12

2:15 PM Channel 12
Quite an impressive cast.
Basil Rathbone Boris Karloff , and Vincent Price.

Extended clip.
 Stand Up and Cheer!

MAY 15 1982

12:30 PM Channel 12
Never knew I was watching a Mario Bava movie.

MAY 22 1982

12:30 PM Channel 5

12:30 PM Channel 12
First 10 minutes.

2:30 PM Channel 5
Bright Eyes
MAY 29 1982

12:30 PM Channel 5

A Sherlock Holmes movie
The first 10 minutes.

12:30 PM Channel 12

2:30 PM Channel 5

3:00 PM Channel 4
A great, dark comedy about competing ambulance companies.

1 comment:

  1. I saw MOTHER JUGS AND SPEED at the Colonies North Theatre as a kid. Evidently I had a hard time understanding "dark comedies" because like DR STRANGELOVE, I really "didn't get it" until much, much later. BTW great trailer, what with Cosby getting a vibrator shoved in his ear as the v.o. dude pimps "The Cosby Show."

    Oh, and watch AT THE EARTH'S CORE! Great for any number of reasons, but chief amongst them are Caroline Munro's gravity-defying assets and skimpy fur dress. Ditto for TENTACLES, a movie that really needs to be seen, in order to understand how blatantly the Italians loved to rip off JAWS.
